Kwa Mashu Town Center
Inanda, Ntuzuma, KwaMashu (INK) Development area houses 487,406 people, being 18% of eThekwini Municipality’s population. With almost half a million residents on 9,423 hectares, it constitutes one of the largest conglomerations of low income residential areas in the whole of South Africa. Its closest boundary is over 20 km from Durban’s CBD.
The brief seeks to establish a new district centre in Kwa Mashu, building upon an earlier shopping centre and informal trading area, supported by train station and taxi pickup point. The site rises to an elevated sports ground to the north. Key to the success of the master plan is a new market hall set into the site and opening onto an elevated town square. The square provides a focus for retail, workshop, educational and cultural uses. An active pedestrian route is established from train station through market hall and square to sports ground.
Howard Eurocape
Kwa Mashu, Durban, South Africa
Kwa Mashu Town Center / 83,750 sqm